
Rick Green Posts About Our Campaign


We are thrilled and grateful that Rick Green of Wallbuilders and founder of Patriot Academy has just posted about our campaign! Rick is a highly-respected and loved mentor, and through Patriot Academy has been a tremendous influence on who Jonathon is today. We are so grateful to have his help and support in this race! Here's an excerpt of the article:

Jonathon Hill, 29, announced this week that he will be running for State Representative in the June 10, 2014 South Carolina Republican Primary.

I could not be more excited, or more proud.

I say “proud” because Jonathon is a graduate of Patriot Academy and has been a volunteer staffer for the last few years. When Jonathon first attended Patriot Academy years ago, his grasp of the issues and depth of understanding in conservative principles was impressive.

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Note: if you look at the above picture closely, you'll notice a golf ball tied to Jonathon's collar. Golf balls were distributed to all the Patriot Academy students and represented their character and integrity. He had to hold on to that ball and carry it with him wherever he wanted to maintain his character. It was a powerful and never-to-be-forgotten object lesson!